How do I make a timer start when the user opens an email?

Modified on Fri, 7 Jun, 2024 at 10:58 AM

Plans that support this feature:Startup, Enterprise, and VIP Plans only

To make a timer that shows a unique value to a specific user, you'll need to add a special value to the end of the timer URL that is included in your email campaigns.

To begin, follow these steps:

  1. Create a Timer the usual way, except you will not need to worry about the specific end time chosen - this process overrides those settings. Pick an upcoming day and time.
  2. Once you have created the timer, get the Embed Code URL for the timer
  3. Continue below

Once you have your timer URL, you will need to add two parameters to the URL:

  • CusID - Stands for "Customer ID". This value needs to be added by your e-commerce or email campaign software and should be totally unique for this email. If the value gets used again later, the user will see an old timer.
  • Hr - Stands for "Hours". This value determines how many hours to initially show when the user opens the email for the first time and loads the timer.


In this example, the "CusID" field is populated with a unique Order Number from an e-commerce software. Maybe this timer is being used in a e-commerce receipt to show that a coupon has 48 hours from the time of this order to be redeemed. Each user who opens this email with a unique timer CusID code will see a new 48 countdown just for them.

Common values for CusID for specific use cases include:

Use Case
Timer URL Looks Like
CusID and Hr Field Filled in With
Discount that expires 48 hours after an order was placed

CusID - Filled in by e-commerce software variable with the Order Number

Hr - Since the promotion expires in 48 hours, fill in with 48
Timer that expires in 1 week for a user who gets a follow up email from your email softwrae

CusID - Add a unique label for the specific follow up (in this case "Drip1") and then have your email software add the users's email address after the dash. If you only send this email one time it will be unique since the "Drip1" plus the email is unique to this user.

Hr - 168 hours is 1 week
Show a specific end date to the customer that can be printed from the email software in use
Don't use this feature, instead use the How do I set a specific End Date in the URL feature